

Sam Dean

Mental man

Eight-year-old Sam wants a baby brother to teach; as "Mental Man" he wants to be the smartest kid in the universe. He's a mad scientist, who believes only in reason and science.

Sophia Dean

Nature Girl

Six-year-old Sophia talks to animals, takes care of the planet, and commands a squadron of feisty female ladybug fighter pilots. She stands up to Evil Nurse Nancy with courage and style.



The greatest pitcher of all time, Blue was also the "Keeper of the Holy Grail" and needs help from Sam and Sophia to rebuild it so they can get a long overdue new soul for the earth. Charlie is a beloved Broadway actor, with two Tony nominations.



Evil Nurse Nancy has  been trying to destroy the Grail for centuries. Don't let her bumbling incompetence fool you. She and her demonic crow mean to stop Blue and the kids — at any cost. In real life she is a kindergarten teacher and Sophia's godmother.


space baby

Will Dean was only six months old when his dad decided he looked like a little space man and came up with the Space Baby story. At 18 months old, he was a consummate actor whose technique stemmed largely from being offered candy.



Bumbling Nurse Nancy clearly needs a leader, someone to tell her what to do. Enter The Crow. Created by Hal Miles, with help from Rocco Karega. Voiced by Stacy Jethroe, who also played the voice of the Angel and the Universe.



Before appearing as the kids' "movie mom", Andrea appeared on film (Amistad) and television (Law & Order). She became a lifelong friend of the Dean family.

peter wolf


Peter Wolf played the quirky and wise clerk of Exotic Electronics. Before that he had a long and successful music career, as both a solo artist and as lead singer of the J. Geils Band.

Joan tolentino-Dunton


Joanie Tolentino-Dunton is a long-time friend of the family and office manager for a local choir school. She's also a fabulous actor, on television (I Married a Vampire, American Playhouse) and onstage (A Little Princess at age10, The Oresteia, The Little Foxes, Gypsy, and many more).

stacy jethroe

angel / universe

Like our character Blue, Stacy Jethroe's father was in the Negro Leagues. When the director heard her musical voice, he wrote a new character for Stacy to play. One aspect of the film is about not judging, and recognizing there's a lot of grey between black and white. To have Stacy play both Good and Evil fit perfectly with that theme.



Stad St. Fleur was a family friend. He brought along his little brother Jean to play Blue Genes as a child, and their cousin Sophia Occena, to play their sister. Today Stad is now a game show host in Hollywood.

G. zacharia white


Zach was a grad student  in Waltham who agreed to step into the perfect role for a studious grad student. Nancy had a habit of grabbing everybody by the shirt front.

eric west

nurse eric

Eric West was the gaffer for the film (he did all the lighting with the DP John Leuba). He was such a funny character, when he offered to be in the film, we immediaely took him up on the offer.

karyn dean

Nurse karyn

Karyn Dean is the real-life mom of Sam, Sophia, and Will. Evil Nurse Nancy is one of her best friends in real life.

cindy mizelle

Nurse cindy

The closing credit song, "Together", by Connie Bryson was introduced to us with a demo sung by the amazing Cindy Mizelle, then a backup singer with Luther Vandross, now with Bruce Springsteen.

sophia's friends

the ladybugs

One day we had Sophia's friends Cara, Myriam, Caroline and Olivia over to our recording closet. When they weren't laughing, they played Sophia's Ladybug Fighter Pilots.